Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer days

So after a month long hiatus, Christopher returned to hockey this Saturday! He was so happy to be back on the ice and after thinking he didn't remember what to do, it all came back very quickly and Chris was skating like his old self. He was so excited that we went back today for public session! After the session, he took a ride on a motorcycle...
In addition to hockey starting up, Chris has been attending a couple day camps at two schools near us. Last week, he went with his friend Nico to the Barstow School's mini camp. The theme of the week was "To Infinity and Beyond" which of course meant they were talking about "Toy Story." Chris has never seen the movie but by the end of the week, he pretty much knew all the characters and the plot. Today he started "Preschool Pals" at Pembroke Hill School and he loved it. Literally could not stop telling me about all the things he did! I walked him in this morning and met his teacher who was wonderful. She was one of the regular preschool teachers and she had so many great activities for them to do. They started to make race cars and even a runway in the block area which, as you could imagine, was very exciting for Christopher! When I got there to pick him up, he was listening to a story and my normally shy little boy was totally answering the teacher's questions and everything. Another great thing is that there are only 6 or 7 other kids in his class--all boys (not sure how that it for the teacher!). Miss Jenny told me that Chris was a great helper and the best cleaner upper today. This mommy is very proud!

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