Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

Tristan and Christopher stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Four cookies... each, to be precise! You always have to be suspicious when two little boys, ages five and three, go off into another room and all you hear is silence. The boys finished dinner before the grown-ups did and so we let them go into the playroom while we had some adult conversation. Christopher had helped me bake chocolate chip cookies earlier in the day and he knew we were having them for dessert. Several times, they came into the dining room asking to have cookies. "You can have them when we are all done eating. Please do not ask again," was my response. Fair enough, they must have been thinking... because they did not ask again. The next time they came into talk to us, Chris had chocolate on his mouth and Tristan was chewing something. Funny, because the cookies had still been in the fridge when last we saw them. Now, when we entered the kitchen, the plate of cookies had magically appeared on the counter and the refrigerator was wide open! And about half of said cookies had magically disappeared! I sent Chris to his room (myself, trying hard not to laugh at the situation) and questioned him about how many cookies he took. "Oh not too many, Mommy, about four or five." Mary and Dan then told us that Tristan said he ate four as well. At least they were honest about that. Oh my! Needless to say, the adults took care of the rest of the cookies while the boys burned off the sugar for the next couple hours.

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