Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, as we headed over toward our old neighborhood for lunch, we passed a field filled with thousands of American flags. It was so cool that we had to stop over and check it out after we ate. The flags were put up on the corner of Renner and 95th Street and we were among many people walking through them and remembering the people who have served our country. Chris really liked walking among the flags and by my estimation, there were probably about 2,500 flags in this location. It was super cool and as we were leaving, there was a veteran who had served in World War 2 at the invasion of Normandy. If Chris wasn't with us, we probably would have stayed and listened to him, but anyway we heard him telling a younger couple about getting the call that the invasion was happening and what it was like to land at Omaha beach. Here are a few more pics from our visit...

While we were on that side of town, we ran by our old house to check on things and make sure it was still in one piece. We visited with our neighbor, Dave, and walked around a little bit. We have an offer on the house so I had to take a picture of the sign in the front yard...

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