Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rest Time

Here is what rest time looked like today at the Woglom residence. After a long and fun morning of playing with Maddie, Chris went to his room for quiet time. I don't even require that he sleep anymore, I just ask that he stays in his room and plays for about and hour and then he can come out. After I heard some noises for a while, it became suspiciously quiet. When I peaked in, here is what I saw...
Nothing like hardwood floors for a comfortable bed! I suppose he was quiet enough to sleep anywhere. My other "kid" was also suspiciously out of sight, even when the landscapers came to mow. I peaked into the playroom where she usually likes to lay under Christopher's little table and here is what I saw on her end...
Kasey has officially taken over the bean bag chair! It was a peaceful rest time for all.

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