Friday, March 20, 2020

We've Been Social Distancing?

That's my excuse, anyway, for why I haven't written on the blog for, say two whole months. Actually, prior to the current pandemic, we were actually quite busy getting ready to move to New York while also getting our house here ready for selling. Three weeks ago, we were showing our house to multiple potential buyers and keeping everything clean and tidy. Now, well, we've all been home 24/7 including the dogs and it also rained much of the week so you can imagine what the floors and couch have looked like. Glad I got the carpets and sectional professionally cleaned! (Sarcasm). Anyway, I was going to take a bit of a break from the blog until we relocated to New York, but given the circumstances (lack of potential buyers and lack of good spring sports on television) I will resume our updates.

Unfortunately, the current lockdown came right around our favorite holiday of the year--St. Patrick's Day. It went from a season of busy-ness and dancing to absolutely nothing. No matter though! The boys put together their own reel to entertain us...

And Jonathan dressed up and decided to look pretty Irish! (This outfit, by the way, is the same suit Christopher wore when Jonathan got baptized. J just about fits in it)...
We've also been doing a lot of cooking, given the amount of time we are spending in the house. Some of our quarantine recipes include: artichoke garlic bread, vegan quesadillas, chocolate chip banana muffins, chocolate chocolate chip cookies, and thin mint gelato! The boys have really enjoyed several days of that gelato in between two cookies...

Before the weather dropped 40 degrees between last night and this morning, we had beautiful weather (in between the rain of course). We've been going on lots of walks and bike rides and have been decorating the driveway (and J's pants)...
And today, we took a field trip to the CVS drive through. Jonathan likes to wear my long black coat around the house. Today he wanted to wear it on our drive. So you know what? Wear the coat boy! 

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