Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ceili Time

Last night was the second annual O'Riada Manning ceili and silent auction fundraiser and it was a very fun night! It was in a new location this year--Drexel Hall which is the home of the Kansas City Irish Center. Chris and I got there early to help set up and here is Chris sharing his wisdom about how to get the most bang for your buck at an auction...

The kids had a great time showing off their dance moves! Chris and Gabe went out and did their reel together...

The boys were also busy making what they referred to as "death juice" which essentially consisted of every ingredient at the ceili, from hot chocolate to marshmallows to lime juice to queso. Yuck! Fortunately, no one drank it!
And finally, Jonathan participated in the ceili dancing this year! It essentially involved him being spun around and directed by older girls so who could complain? He stuck with it though until the end...

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