Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wait, Another Post?

I know right? Three posts in less than 24 hours. I'm trying, people, I'm trying!

I realized I haven't given an update on our garden. It's growing like crazy. My zucchinis started off strong but have kind of fizzled out, which is actually okay because usually they take over. So far we've also harvested some cucumbers, chard, herbs (parsley and basil), and some cherry tomatoes. It looks like, unlike past years, the tomatoes will be strong this year. That's what happens when it is over 95 for most of the summer! Here are a few of the cherries and the big tomatoes are starting to turn red too...

The basil has finally been growing well and, as you will see from the boys' plots, the little tiny sunflower seeds they both planted have exploded into huge, towering soon-to-be flowers. The argument every morning is whose sunflower is bigger...

And if you'd like to know where to find Christopher when he is not dancing or swimming, it is usually on the couch reading his Warrior series!
(Of course there is a vacuum on the couch...)

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