Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Compact Hetty

Big news in the Woglom household--Hetty has arrived! Some of you may know the stakes involved in Hetty coming to live with us but for those who don't, here's the story. A certain three year-old has done a great job with his potty training but there was one roadblock so to speak. Once Jonathan conquered said roadblock (going number 2 on the potty), he would receive certain amazing (to him) rewards. Now, I'm not usually a reward person but in this situation, we were pulling out all the stops. He was going to get Compact Hetty, a big bowl of M&Ms, and baked Alaska. What can I say, we were desperate! Yesterday was the day for the pull-ups to go away and honestly, I didn't know how long it was going to take. All day he tried sitting on the potty, we let him watch vacuum videos while he tried. You name it, we were willing to do it. After lots of food at Christopher's swim meet last night, there simply wasn't much room in J's little tummy. When we got home, he sat on the potty and after a moment of "freak-out" mode, there was no longer a choice and, well, mission accomplished. Even though he'd already had ice cream at the meet and it was well past his bedtime, I broke out the Hetty vacuum and a big bowl of M&Ms. Everyone was very excited! Now Henry has a girlfriend to vacuum with...
 And Jonathan could not be happier!
Now for the baked Alaska... hmmmm...

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