Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hiking: Day Four

Even though we had to leave on Friday, we wanted to get out and do one more beautiful hike before we had to sit in the car for 5 hours, and what a hike it was! We returned to Bear Lake to take a different trail from that starting point. The first stop, after heading straight uphill, was Nymph Lake, a quiet, lily-covered lake surrounded by Aspen trees...

The water at Nymph Lake was so crystal clear and pure! There were also lots of rocks and boulders to climb and Chris found his new favorite activity in climbing as many of them as possible! Our next stop was Dream Lake, but before we got there we stopped along the way to take in some breathtaking views along the way...

Dream Lake was so pretty! We stopped to have a snack there and take in even more clear water. When you are in a national park, you are asked to leave no trace and also not to feed the animals. We did our best to follow these rules but you can't ask a toddler to not drop a few crumbs of his snack bar. The chipmunks were right there to make sure Jonathan left no trace!
This was probably my favorite day of hiking and a great way to end a great trip!

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