Saturday, October 26, 2019

Robby's Visit

So we had a visitor from California this weekend! Grandma Jan's cousin Robby came into KC from San Diego and we had a wonderful time with her! Yesterday, both boys had sleepovers (Chris for a birthday party and J spent the evening at Grammy's) and so Brian and I had a lovely dinner out downtown with Robby. Here is a picture of us and also of the food I got--vegan pumpkin risotto, in an actual pumpkin!

Today she got to meet the boys for the first time and brought fun activities for them to do! Robby loves dogs so she brought doggie birthday cakes to make. The dogs were very happy with their cakes and it is their birthdays sometime this year so why not!
She also brought leaves and we all painted them to create a fun fall centerpiece for the kitchen table...
After Jonathan showed her some somersaults and Chris showed her his Irish dance moves, we all went to Spin Pizza for a delicious dinner. Thanks for visiting us Robby! We'll be out to California soon!

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