Sunday, June 2, 2019

New York, New York (and New Jersey)

We spent the last week in New York and New Jersey visiting our people. The kids (and their parents) had a great time and we got to see lots of family and friends! Here are some pics from our visit, starting with the cousins having fun as usual...

 Like father, like son...
 Taking the boys to Hillsdale...
To visit Mare and Sheryl...
Here is the two family house that my mom and I lived in for years above my aunt and my cousin. The upstairs window on the right was my room...
 The good old Hillsdale police booth...
 Grandpa Clyde's old house...
 J on the beach...
Real bagels...

 Cooking with Nancy...
A blue jay nest outside Dad and Nancy's bathroom window. We watched them feed their babies almost every morning!
 Beagle puppies!!!
 Basketball with Bennett...

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