Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Garden Time

While we were in New York, we had some planting done to complete our backyard. Here are the two new sections...

Much of the bigger planting we can't do ourselves but there are certain sections of the garden that I claim as my own canvases. The section below is a butterfly/bird garden. We have since added more mulch since we didn't get enough bags the first time and we also switched the bird bath below with another one we had in a different part of the yard. On tope of that, the lilies are opening beautifully! I will add an updated picture soon...

Also this past weekend, we added a fourth vegetable bed! In it we placed two pumpkin plants and a gourd plant (started by Christopher). He dried and saved seeds from our trip to the pumpkin patch in October and replanted them in pots. They have since grown and the flowers are opening on them every day! We also added a cucumber plant to this bed...
And here are the updated vegetable beds! This one is mine with broccoli, kale, tomatoes, okra, peppers, eggplants, carrots, and jalapeƱos. The spinach and lettuce are done so we removed those...
Jonathan's bed has broccoli (already with little mini broccolis), tomato, pepper, kale, onions, chard and a marigold to top it off...
Christopher's garden has chard, tomatoes, kale, onions, basil, peppers and eggplant as well as an added tomato plant, now that his spinach and lettuce is done, and a marigold...

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