Thursday, May 2, 2019

PJs and Food

Jonathan is debuting his new summer pajamas, courtesy of Grandma Jan! This pair is Snoopy atop a bomb pop (or as J pointed out, the French flag). Of course, he had to throw in a couple more poses...

Exciting news! We picked our first batch of lettuce tonight and made a yummy salad. I prepared the lettuce and my sous chef (aka-Christopher) chopped up the veggies to top it off. Here is the before and after...

Cooking in our house is sometimes a team effort and I've been trying all kinds of new vegan recipes and testing them out on the family. Here is a South American dish known as arepas (like a baked corn meal) topped with Brian's Cuban beans and fried plantains and also a side of roasted broccoli...
Tonight we tried Chef Chloe's vegan eggplant parm with cashew mozzerella and it was delish...
Our garden salad was the side for that one! And this past weekend, we went to the annual Seder at the Groden's house and I brought these potato kugel "muffins" to share.
This is becoming a food blog! Never fear, mostly we'll be updating you on the kids but now that the garden is starting to come alive, I plan on sharing more recipes!

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