Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What We've Been Up To

Spring break has started, and since we were just away in Ireland, we are here in town for the break. Good thing too because it is St. Patrick's season and there is a lot going on this week! More on that in a second. First, on Saturday, Jonathan and I joined a couple of his school friends at this great new indoor play place about ten minutes from our house called Superkidz. It was a great way to spend a rainy Saturday morning!

Sunday kicked off the parade season with the Martin City St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was much nicer than last year, as far as the weather goes! We still had to bundle up but the sun was shining. J was happy to roll in the wagon one more year...
 Here is Chris with the ladies, warming up before the parade...

 We followed the Oscar Meyer Weiner Car!
We even spotted a celebrity in the crowd...
Later, we went back and warmed up at Grammy's house...

This week, most of the kids around here are off of school so O'Riada Manning plans a bunch of performances at nursing homes throughout the KC metro area. Chris took part in one yesterday and one today...

Here are a couple of his dances...

We were even at the studio this morning at 7:30 for what we thought was going to be another news report about Irish dance but the reporter was called away on a breaking news story. The boys were fine with it because they ended up with donuts (the other two dancers who were there are teenagers, so probably not thrilled about the 7:30 arrival time on spring break!). That even has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning and the location is now a local pub. So we are being great Irish parents and bringing our kids to a pub at 8AM!! 

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