Saturday, March 30, 2019

The DL

Well, we thought it might happen at some point, we just didn't know it would be so soon into his dance career. A genie jump went awry at dance class the other night and Chris broke his foot. He has been handling it like a pro, even with the knowledge that he can't dance for 6-8 weeks. In a way, he's relishing having a cast on his leg and can't wait for everyone to sign it! He's definitely disappointed about some of the upcoming dance competitions and events that he will miss but he's still planning on attending some events and classes. There is still a lot he can do to stay in some kind of dance shape and he was watching a video this morning with some non-foot exercises. In the meantime, we are going to be playing a lot of cards and Monopoly... The other night, after he hurt his foot, we were still at dance class and Chris was being measured by one of the moms for his new vest. This, of course, is not his vest but we sent the picture to Daddy telling him it was...
Then there is Jonathan, who loves to curl up with Legos...

Even though we are sad for Chris that he got hurt, we are happy to have him here with Daddy this weekend. They were originally going to Dallas for a feis but now they get to stay home with us! Athena is also ecstatic...

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