Saturday, January 12, 2019

Back to School

Well, the boys were back to school this week, hence not that many blog entries. One thing we have been doing after dinner almost every night, however, is having a dance party in the living room! J's current favorite is the Foo Fighters because we can do the "crazy dance" to the lyrics of Dave Grohl. Here is a sample of what our after dinner antics look like...

And today we woke up to beautiful snow! It was stuck to the trees and looked so nice. Of course, we lost power for about 30 minutes this morning, just as I was about to make breakfast, so we hung out with the candles to keep us company...
Finally, when the power came back on, I got some french toast started and I wish we had a smell app on the computer because it smelled soooo good!
And, according to the boys, it tasted pretty good too! After some coffee, we were ready to hit the snow!

Chris made a fantastic snowman in the front yard and we repurposed our holiday planter materials to give it some hair and crazy eyes!
Later, we added a carrot for a nose (amazingly we had a carrot in our fridge!) and at first the snowman had a serious face...
The boys determined she was a girl (due to the hair) and named her Vanessa Sweetie Banana Von Vooglum. After receiving her name, she was much happier!

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