Friday, July 6, 2018

Loose Park

I took the boys to Loose Park this afternoon. It's been awhile since we've gone because this summer has just been so darn hot! Today was still about 90 but it felt so much "cooler" than it's been so off to the park we went. We spent some time at the duck pond, saw some mommy and baby ducks as well as some turtles.

Then we meandered over to the swings, a favorite of the boys. Jonathan still likes the baby swings but sometimes, it is hard to get that boy in them so I encouraged him to use the "big boy" swings. He uses them in his own way and has a ton of fun doing it...

Later when we were home, we were all out in the back and (not sure how or why this happened) but both Chris and J were drawing their respective pictures. I got this pic of them deep in concentration...

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