Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Athena has a couple quirks about her that we have come to know, love and get frustrated with all at the same time. First of all, she's a thief. Her preferred items include Jonathan's stuffed animals, tissues from the garbage, and food. Never mind though, her cuteness often makes up for such incidents! The other day, Chris was stretching out his hips after dance class and Athena stepped over him and proceeded to just stand there over him. It was so funny because he literally couldn't have gotten up, even if he wanted to!
Mind you, she wasn't just walking over him; she just stood there. I think she just wanted to stand there to see if anyone noticed and happened to pay her some attention... Also, beware if you are sitting on the couch and make eye contact with her. She will come up and give you a kiss or two and if you stop petting her, she will place her paw on you until you remember she is there!
She also chews the coffee table, but that's neither here nor there. We had another dog who did that once and she happened to be the best dog ever!

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