Saturday, May 19, 2018

This Week

We've had some random things this past week as the boys wind down their respective school years. Irish dance, baseball, piano, birthday parties... Although we spent Mother's Day in NY, I received a sweet little plant from Jonathan and this cute little piece that his teacher's helped him fill out. I think I see a theme emerging...

Christopher's final project of the year was Market Day. This is a project the kids look forward to all year. They learn about economics, how to run a business, etc. Chris worked with a group of four other boys to make products (tie dye shirts and hats, note cards, snap bracelets) and they sold them to us on Thursday. There were some great products and somehow we came home with stress balls, slime, rice krispy treats, book marks and dog toys.

Last night, the dogs were chilling on the couch together and it was so sweet!

Today, Jonathan had his first school friend birthday party. The weather held off and he got to jump in a bouncy castle and play on the park. He was the only boy there and just like his big brother, handled those odds very well!

Also, today is Daddy's birthday! We celebrated by having breakfast at Eggct. or, as J likes to call it, the Bookserie.

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