Friday, April 8, 2016

Open House

Last night was Open House at Christopher's school. It was his opportunity to show us some of the work he's been doing for the last several months. Above is a tile tree made by all of the lower school students that is in the front entryway to Christopher's building. Below is his mask and regular self-portrait (left) and abstract self-portrait (right). 
Next I saw Christopher's Ruby Bridges story where each student wrote as if they were Ruby herself...
Chris has been working on a biography of Harriet Tubman and below you can see his poster...
... and he read his actual book to me as well!
Finally the class made a 7+ yard time line featuring all of the people they studied and where they fell along the line. Below is a map Chris drew of free states and slave states.
It was great to see so much of the work I've been hearing about for weeks now! We also visited his specials classrooms and checked out some of the work there.

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