Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Four-Legged Kids

Here are some updated pictures of our doggies curled up on their beds...

Kasey is old hat at all these pics so she's going to sleep this one out...

By the way, Kasey had a procedure the other day to get her teeth cleaned so while she was under anesthesia for that, they removed a couple of growths on her head. She now has a couple shaved spots and stitches, which Chris is not exactly sure if he's comfortable with. Anyway, our child is giving her a lot of extra love. She made it through this minor procedure very well and has beautifully clean teeth and fresh breath!

And here is Holly making the face that probably got us to adopt her in the first place...

Our new pup is getting the hang of how things work in the Woglom household. We have been working with a trainer and she is slowly beginning to chill out (or at least chill out when we ask her to). Until she sees bunnies in the backyard that is!

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