Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lions and Tigers and... Servals?

That's right. Believe it or not folks, there are lions and tigers in Kansas! We went out on Saturday to the Cedar Cove big cat sanctuary in Louisburg, Kansas to visit some of those big cats. The sanctuary is a safe place for big cats (and other animals) who have either been in other sanctuaries or zoos that have had to close or, as we found out about one woman and her pet... leopard, have had to give up their exotic pets when they realized it wasn't a good idea to have them. (This woman in question got a pet leopard so her Rotweiler would have a companion...Yeeeahhhh...). Anyway, it was actually quite nice and the animals were very clean and well kept. Chris loved it, especially the lions. They also had wolves, mountain lions, leopards, servals and others. Here is Chris watching the cerval...
It was a beautiful day to go out to the country and we followed our visit with a nice picnic before heading back to civilization. We will definitely go back to Cedar Cove!

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