Friday, September 6, 2013

Go Raiders!

The Wolverines aren't the only football team we'll be rooting for this weekend. Tonight we went to the Pembroke Hill back to school BBQ and opening football game and Chris really got into the Raiders spirit! It was our first trip to the upper school and it was fun to watch students of all ages getting fired up with school spirit for the beginning of the season. We brought Grammy with us too:
After having a bite to eat, we wandered around, visited with some people and watched Chris run around like a maniac outside the dining hall. He wanted so badly to join the groups of boys playing pick up football on the lawn but sadly they were twice his age and twice his size--not a good combination for your first football game. Later we made it down to the bleachers but when we realized we were smack dab in the middle of the student section, we thought it best to move down to the field level so Chris could see a bit better.

We watched the Raiders score two touchdowns in the first quarter. Meanwhile, Chris proceeded to tell us that he was friends with all the Pembroke football players. "Number 4 is my friend and I'm friends with the one with the 5 and the 1 on his shirt and number 80 is my friend too!" So cute. Maybe he'll ask for autographs next time! This morning at drop off some of the football players were helping the younger kids into their classes wearing their jerseys which was really sweet so maybe Chris was thinking of that and thinking they are his friends...

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