Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Party

I volunteered at Christopher's school Valentine's Day party today and it was so fun to be in his classroom for a little bit! My job was to run the craft where the kids made hearts with little tissue paper decorations on them. Here is Chris at his table hard at work...
After the craft, the kids played a couple games. One was a heart toss and then they played a mailman guessing game...

And, of course, the end of the party was the best part where the kids got to enjoy some yummy Valentine treats!
It was just fun to see Chris in action in his classroom (and it brought me back to my preschool teaching days!). Watching him interact with these kids that he always talks about was interesting too. This one little girl, Bella, wanted Chris to sit next to her all the time and wanted to read with him too. And then another little girl, Chase, really enjoys playing with him too. It was so cute to see!

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