Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Kissing Hand

There's a story I used to read to my kindergarteners that I know read to Christopher called The Kissing Hand. It is the story of a little raccoon who is scared to go to school for the first time. His mother reassures him by kissing his hand so that he can carry her love with him all day at school. The little raccoon, in turn, kisses his mother's hand so that she will not be lonely while he is at school. It's a very sweet story and Chris enjoys it as much as I do. So at bedtime, we started the tradition of me kissing his hands and Chris kissing my hands and then we put our hands up to our cheeks. Two nights ago, after I kissed Christopher's hands he put them up by his face and then told me he was pretending to eat them. He then said "This one is chocolate and this one is vanilla." Last night when we did this tradition, he said he was going to give the kisses to God who was then going to make them into chocolate and vanilla soup! Then he kissed my hands and said, "Give it to God and he will make soup Mommy." So when I pretended to throw them up toward the sky, Chris said, "No Mommy, God is love so he is right here (putting his hand on his heart) so you have to put the kisses right here." You can't make this stuff up!

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