Friday, July 1, 2011

My Gym

Here are some highlights from our trip to My Gym today... Since last Friday, Christopher has been talking non-stop about the ball pit. Now, Chris knows how to jump vertically very well. However, when it comes to jumping forward or jumping out into something (namely, the ball pit or the pool) our little man could use some practice. So practice we did!
The kids sang some songs, did some exercises and danced before learning their new skills for the week. Here is Chris climbing a ladder and learning how to hang off by one arm (greeeaaaaat...):
At the end of the class, the kids get some good old fashioned free play and today they set up all kinds of fun swings. Here is buds in a couple of them:

And as it is (and will be) a million Kansas degrees this weekend, we will either be out to play at 6 AM, in the pool, or in the A/C. My Gym was a nice place to be this morning and we sweat more when we were running errands than running around the gym! Chris had a blast and is looking forward to his friend Luca and his family coming over for dinner tonight.

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