Saturday, March 27, 2010

Block Fest

This morning, we early risers went to the 8:30 session of Block Fest, a Parents as Teachers supported event. No, it did not include rock stars and pyrotechnic effects. Block Fest is a series of 7 block stations that children rotate through with their parents to explore and learn about different mathematical skills that can be taught with blocks. I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, blocks were just plain old fun. Now everything has to have a "learning purpose." But it was fun nonetheless. Chris was a little overwhelmed by the amount of children there at first. Then, after two diaper changes, he was ready to participate. Out of the many centers we visited, CJ enjoyed the big foam blocks and the unit blocks the best. A consistent pattern emerged at all the stations. Christopher likes to build things up and knock them down. (Demolition must be a boy thing because just about every boy his age was doing the same thing). Even the small blocks were not exempt.
He probably had the most fun knocking over Daddy's foam block structures. Sometimes, he would get really close to the blocks and act like he was going to knock them over, then stop himself and laugh as if to say "Psych!" He can be a real tease sometimes!

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