Tuesday, December 3, 2019

In Old Kentuck, They Go Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck

I'm pretty sure right now that Grammy gets the title of this post, Chris is rolling his eyes and I now cannot get the song out of my head! We spent Thanksgiving weekend in Kentucky once again for Christopher to dance in the Mid America Oireachtas, our regional Irish dance competition. We thought our boy danced beautifully and he did as well. He got up there, showed confidence, did everything his teacher asked him to do and was happy with his performance. Here are some pictures from the day (Sunday)...

The weekend was not all about dance, however. We had a nice family road trip with a stop in St. Louis to stay at the Curio Union Station Hotel. It was decorated beautifully for Christmas and we had a fun evening there!

We arrived in Louisville on Friday in time to see Phillip dance his set dance and then, in typical feis fashion, ate lunch at 3:30. Saturday was chill day for Chris so Jonathan and I went out to the Kentucky Science Museum just down the block from our hotel. It was fabulous and we spent nearly 5 hours there! While there, I also discovered Jonathan's new favorite food--ham and cheese sandwiches. We had a great time together and here are some pictures...

One of Jonathan's favorite things is the "Weather News" and he and I got to actually be meteorologists! We did several more of these reports and with each weather condition, Jonathan advised viewers to "seek higher ground!"

There was also some down time when the boys chose to practice their dance moves...

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