Saturday, April 27, 2019

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This is definitely my favorite time of year--garden time! We took a trip down to the River Market this morning and picked up the rest of our starter plants. The boys really enjoy the market because of the abundance of plants, foods, cookies, and other goodies as well as the ethnic restaurants that are down there. The spices and smells at the market are amazing!
Also look out for those killer street car tracks! They'll get you every time (especially when you forget the front wheel of your bike)...
The sun was shining when we got home so Chris and I got the plants in the ground. If we have a successful harvest this spring and summer our vegetables will include: kale, chard, spinach, lettuce, onions, bell peppers, eggplant, big tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, carrots, jalapeƱos, and broccoli. 

The dogs were enjoying the sunshine as well!

A couple weeks ago, we also planted some gladiola and dahlia tubers and they have started coming up!

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