Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Midwest Weather

Yesterday (December 4, 2017) the boys chose to wear shorts, not in the typical "I-don't-really-feel-the-cold-because-I'm-a-kid" way. It was literally in the mid 60s and a little humid! Here is a seasonal picture for you: shorts and a Christmas tree...

Today we were bundled back up in winter hats, gloves, coats and boots because it was 32. Yay Kansas!

Sometimes at church, Christopher participates in something called acolyting, which is where the kids light the candles for the service. This past Sunday, Chris and Giles took on the task together. Handsome boys!
Also, the girls have been bonding happily. They play and wrestle in the backyard all the time! And recently, I've caught them curled up on the couch together...
Apparently, however, Athena missed the memo informing all dogs that 3 AM is not an acceptable time to have to go outside. Even crazy Holly is like, "Say what?!" We're working on that one. The good thing about perspective is that with both Holly and Kasey (if you can believe it) we had a period  after we got them when we said, "I really want to just give this dog back" and we haven't had that with Athena yet. Hope I'm not jinxing it!

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