Thursday, June 30, 2016

Garden Update

Lots of things are happening in our garden! In the spring, we put in some starter plants but there were other things we planted from seed. Above is a picture of one of the three corn stalks Chris planted from seed in his garden. This morning, we woke up to see that some corn silk has started sprouting which we assume will lead to corn cobs! Below is a cabbage plant that Chris planted the seed for...
Here is Christopher's oregano which is going crazy! I pick it almost every day and just throw it in random dishes--pasta, veggies, eggs, you name it...
The sunflowers (also from seed) are starting to form that inner layer where new seeds will be...
And this picture does not do justice to the cherry tomato plant that is all over Christopher's other vegetables. Yesterday, we had 6 tomatoes ready to pick at once and we added them to our pasta last night...
And finally, here is my monster zucchini plant that has just about taken over my whole plot! The leaves for this plant are enormous and the zucchini are small. Next year, this guy gets his own plot...
Also growing right now are small eggplants and lots of basil that we are making a pesto with this morning. Our lettuce is essentially done because when it gets so hot for a long time, it goes to seed and gets bitter. And last night, I made kale salad from the kale in both of our plots. This gardening thing is pretty fun!

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