Monday, February 15, 2016


As parents, we often wonder what our children are going to be when they grow up. Over the years it has been fascinating to see Christopher's interests and talents change and evolve. One thing that has been consistent, however, is his love of building. He constructs things out of paper and tape, K'nex, blocks, Legos, Fort Magic pieces. You name it, he'll build with it. The tent in the picture above was constructed early this morning. If you are familiar with our household, you know that most of my mornings start very early, mainly between the hours of 5 and 6. This morning, with everyone off of work and school, I miraculously slept until 6:21 before Kasey woke me up to take her out. When I got out of bed, I thought Chris was (also miraculously) still asleep, but in fact he was working on said tent in the playroom. I really appreciated him letting us sleep and just getting right to work. Like his mother, he functions best first thing in the morning so it makes sense that he would construct something like this right away. Later in the day he made this bike out of Fort Magic pieces simply by looking at a picture on the iPad...
Now, who knows if Christopher will have a career someday that involves design or engineering or art. But regardless of what he does, his real talent right now is creating. It's very exciting to see!

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