Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everyone, from the Kansas Wogloms! At exactly 6:00AM, the pitter patter of running footsteps descended down the hall to where the Christmas presents awaited our VERY excited 6 year-old. Santa, along with very generous family members, left wonderful presents that Chris has been playing with and putting together for hours already. First of all, though, Chris was a great big brother and helped Jonathan open his presents. One of the things Santa left for him was a little Olaf, as Baby J was first referred to as "Olaf" when I was pregnant with him...
Chris was so excited that Santa brought him a Playmobil ski lift and Lego cargo heliplane (which he has been putting together himself for the past hour or so!).

All the excitement of the morning sent Jonathan back to his room for a morning nap. He would have been dressed in cute Christmas PJs like Chris except that he wore them to church last night and proceeded to spit up on them too much for overnight use! We dressed up the girls, though, in the beautiful ribbon that Aunt Dabney wrapped Christopher's gifts in, much to their dismay...

The ribbon on Kasey makes the staples in her head look much better (poor doggie). She and all the rest of us will be looking forward to Grammy coming over later for Christmas lunch. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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