Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Planes and Dogs

Two of Christopher's favorite things…

These days, Chris is a plane-making machine. His interest in aviation has reached epic proportions and he now knows more about the different types of aircraft that exist in the world than many pilots. His interest extends to the construction of planes and we have quite an abundance of homemade planes in our "hangar." Here are a few of Christopher's recent creations that he wanted to share with the blogosphere…

In order, these planes are a new model of the Concorde, the F 18 and the Stealth Bomber.

Another one of Christopher's favorite things is dogs, especially our own. Here are some fun pics of the girls…

…waiting for food? toys? loving?
…looking for bunnies...

…wondering if maybe the bunnies went behind the couch…
…and soaking up the sun when it's too cold to do so outside…

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