Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mt. Vesuvius in our Kitchen

We erupted a volcano in our kitchen this afternoon! Not to worry though. There was minimal damage. Here is Chris watching it as it first got going...
And later he "evacuated all the people on this zeppelin..."
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the very fun birthday present! Chris got so many interesting gifts this year, many of which have to do with science. Each afternoon (after his morning camp class) we have been trying different experiments from the different science kits he received. This was just the latest in the scientific fun! Chris also got a book treasury that includes the story "Martha Speaks" about a dog who eats alphabet soup and is able to then speak English. Here he is enjoying the book on his own...

This story has been so popular with our little boy that we read it at least several times a day and listen to it on CD in the car wherever we go!

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