Saturday, March 2, 2013

Marble making

This morning we got a little "marble crazy" here in Kansas! We went up to a marble factory and store called Moon Marble in Bonner Springs where they were having a festival of marble making and glass/marble artists displaying and selling their work. Olivia and Elliot joined us as well as Grammy and we had a great time. The picture above shows a man making a marble and heating and working the glass. He showed us how they get the different colors into the marbles and everything. Chris and Olivia were so excited to watch the process! Some of the artists selling their marbles had incredible pieces and we gained a new respect for marble making. It was a popular event and by the end of our stay, the line was well out the door. By the time we got home, Chris set up his own marble factory and store and was selling his work to Mommy and Daddy. He was only charging a dollar though so we're going to have to coach him a bit on his money making skills!

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