Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our Saturday

Christopher went to a make-up soccer class today, since we missed our regular Tuesday class, and it was picture day. He got to take a picture with the head rabbit in charge of Lil' Kickers whose name I still do not know. (Everything associated with Lil' Kickers has to do with rabbits. For example, Christopher's level is known as "Jackrabbits" and they have "Hoppers," etc...). Here he is with his bunny. He looks like he is trying to pull away from the bunny's arm but he was actually quite happy!
It was also gorgeous weather so we were able to get outside to a park this afternoon. Our friends, the Eakins, were supposed to come over for dinner but they ended up getting sick so we had a little extra time this afternoon for the park and Spin Pizza. Here is our little man on the swings...

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