Saturday, October 6, 2012

KC Pumpkin Patch

We picked the coldest weekend in recent months to make our third annual trip out to the KC Pumpkin Patch in Gardner, KS. It was nothing a little hot apple cider couldn't fix though! And the good thing about going on a cold weekend is that there are no lines for any of the rides. Christopher had a great time doing all the rides and activities he has done in the past and was very excited to take the hay ride out to the patch to pick his very own pumpkin... First, here is Christopher on the barrel train!
He was the only kid on the train! If you look back to blog posts from the last two years, you can see other pictures of him on this very same barrel train. Brian and I were reminiscing about the first time he rode (when he was two) and we were afraid he was going to climb out of it while it was moving. Now he climbed in and out on his own (when it started and finished of course!) and enjoyed his ride. Chris also played in the corn and rode his tire horse again.

They even had a "real" train for the kids to ride and Chris enjoyed this one the most because he got to be the conductor.
What visit to the pumpkin patch would be complete without jumping on the giant inflatable pillow? Usually the line for this activity is the longest but this year Chris was allowed to jump as long as he wanted because no one was waiting!

At the end of the morning, we loaded up our pumpkins and had our picnic in the warm, heated car before our drive home. Chris is very happy with the pumpkins we picked out (one for each of us) and can't wait to carve them and roast the seeds!

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