Thursday, August 16, 2012


Chris had his first bowling experience today! We went to Park Lanes with Luca, Sam and Noah and the boys took to the lanes donning their super cool shoes. Bowling shoes are cute on four year old boys, not so much on grown ups. Anyway, here is some footage of the experience. We did set up the bumpers and Chris and Sam also used the ramp for added assistance. Chris did get a spare in the 5th frame so I would count that as a successful first bowling experience! Actually, the fact that we made it almost through 10 rounds is success in my book...

My favorite part of the bowling was watching how serious Sam was about his game. He got a strike too! But he would stand there with his hands on his hips waiting for his turn and studying the lane. This boy was all business.
After our game, Chris and I went to the game room and played a little air hockey, a Mommy and Daddy tradition. Christopher beat me 4 to 3!

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