Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shared Pics

Here are some pictures from recent events that other friends took of us/Christopher. Just wanted to share...

We had our neighborhood Halloween Party tonight and then all the kids went Trick-or-Treating. It was really fun and Chris got tons of good candy. Yes it is the night before Halloween and Chris should be out with shaving cream and toilet paper but apparently the grade schools are closed tomorrow and most of the families wanted to trick or treat tonight. Works for us! And we had a very nice evening catching up with some neighborhood friends and heading out for treats. I have no pictures though because frankly, I'm done with Halloween! When I was a kid, we dressed up the night before this holiday for the ragamuffin parade and then went trick-or-treating the next day. Must we have week-long holidays? Anyway, you stay classy, Planet Earth...

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