Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Kid

Christopher is becoming such a big kid, as you can probably tell from recent posts. A couple days ago, we said good-bye to the crib and moved Chris to his big kid bed.
Most kids I knew (myself included) grew up sleeping in a twin bed. Well, that would have been my preference for CJ but his crib converts to a full size bed so there you go. For the first part of the transition, we just put the mattress and box spring on the floor to see how he does. This weekend we'll put the actual frame together to make it official. But regardless, Chris loves his new sleeping arrangements and is telling everyone about it!

We also had Christopher's 3 year check up today and after hearing his numbers, Daddy can't decide whether to make him a goalkeeper, a center, or a pitcher! CJ's weight was 37lbs. (90%) which is really where it has stayed for the past year. His height was 42.5 inches (99%!) which blew us away. And do you know they actually do BMI for little kids starting at 3? Christopher's was 14.5 which is in the normal, healthy range. Crazy! We know Chris has some height running on both sides of his family so we'll see if this 99% thing continues. But our "little" man is certainly growing up!

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