Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shhhh, don't wake the...

Our precious little man had a sleepover at Grammy's house last night and Mommy and Daddy went over to the home of a couple we are friends with for dinner, good conversation, and game night. It's weird, however, not having a little voice call out, "Mommy, I neeeeeeeed yooooouuuuu!" from the other room at 7AM. I thought, perhaps, that I would be able to sleep in (HA!) since I didn't have to get up and make breakfast for anyone (on the contrary, my fabulous husband is out picking up the midwest version of egg an cheese bagel sandwiches as I write! thank you Brian!), but if the sun is up, Mommy is up. Never mind, though. We are so grateful that Grammy has helped us out by watching our little Christopher, but I am so excited to see that little guy when we meet at church in a couple hours!

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