Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Big Boy Potty

Well, today we officially began "The Potty Re-education of CJ Woglom." While our little man has been practicing every now and then on the "big boy potty," today we began the intensive work. I have not provided pictures of our current work, mainly because Chris has been running around the house half-naked all day! But he's been doing well. In fact, the first time he had to go, I happened to have run downstairs for like 30 seconds to grab something and I heard the quick pitter patter of his footsteps racing toward the bathroom. I ran upstairs as he was getting himself on the seat (!!!) and started to go. We were all thoroughly excited, especially since it was his first try. Another time, he started to go on the floor, stopped himself, and ran for the bathroom again. And still another time he told Daddy he had to "go potty" and made it to the bathroom on time. Going outside to play is a whole other can of worms (yeah, he was soaked after 10 minutes of running around) but I would say that one accident so far on Day One is pretty darn good. We'll see what the next few days hold... because I know you all looovve hearing about Christopher's potty habits!

Oh and P.S., Chris looks stinkin' adorable in his Thomas underoos!

1 comment:

Mom on the run said...

At first with Kylie I brought the potty with us everywhere. Even outside.It made the fast dash easier, and made her feel like she didn't have to stop playing to long to go potty. Then we worked on using just the bathroom potty after things were more under control. :) Good luck! Sounds like a great first day!