Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Decor

We hope all of our readers had a lovely Thanksgiving! Ours was quiet this year and we spent the day watching the Macy's parade with Chris, making homemade playdough, and eating our holiday food...

I like to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up our Christmas decorations and Christopher helped me do it with much enthusiasm! I remember setting up the tree last year and worrying about the fate of our ornaments as last Christmas was our little boy's first as a toddler. He was so good with the tree last year, but I already see that there will be some ornament casualties this season! He usually stops playing with the ornaments when I tell him too, but he is two and impulse control is not high on his list. (Dear Santa, This year I would like a toy plane, blocks, and the ability to control myself when necessary!). He is thoroughly enjoying the season so far, however. Here is a video of Chris enjoying some of the things we have put out in the house this year...

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