Monday, May 30, 2011

Hangin' with 3 of the coolest kids around!

Another highlight of our trip back east was hanging out with Poppy, Elsie, and Bennett and their equally cool parents, Aunt Dabney and Uncle Peter. Christopher was so excited to see his cousins that we had to check our suitcase when we left Brooklyn to make sure 3 extra children weren't coming home with us! The boy loves his cousins and never stops talking about them! And the triplets have grown so much just since Christmas time. It was fun to see all the kids playing together and getting a kick out of each other. The first night we were in Westchester, they came up and all the little ones had dinner together. Then we went to Brooklyn after being in NJ for a few days, and we spent time at the apartment, played at the park down by the Brooklyn Bridge, and had a big Woglom sleepover. Christopher even had his first sighting of Busta Rhymes (I say that as if he will have more sightings of him in his lifetime! Highly possible given the way CJ partied it up at the bat mitzvah). Anyway, here are some pics of everyone playing:

We also got to witness some bath time fun while we were visiting Brooklyn! Elsie and Bennett were rockin' some crazy hairdos that made us all laugh...

Overall we had a fantastic time seeing all of our friends and family and we miss you all already! This trip also marked the final time we will be staying at my mom's house in NJ, which was also my grandfather's house and the house my mom grew up in and the house I lived in for a couple years and spent tons of time in throughout the years. My mom will be moving out to Kansas (yay!) to be closer to Kasey and new occupants will be living on Liberty Avenue for the first time in well over 60 years. We marked this event with as many of Ronnie's bagels as we could humanly manage! Hillsdale will be missed and now we are on the market for a new house to stay in while in Jersey. Mare and Sheryl, do you have an extra bedroom and a pack and play for us??? Happy Memorial Day to everyone!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mazel Tov!

So I'll start with the whole reason for us going back to the east coast this particular time--Ally's bat mitzvah! Christopher was very excited to say "Mazel Tov" to her when she was all done with the ceremony. In fact, we were at the grocery store today and, in true CJ fashion, he said, "I want some mazel tov, Mommy!" and laughed hysterically. I think he's beginning to realize how funny he is. Anyway, Ally's ceremony was terrific and she did a great job leading the service. We were all very impressed! After the service, it was on to the party! Now, for Christopher, the party could have gone one of two ways. The timing of the party was right during his nap. We were prepared for this but still weren't sure how he would do. So he could have had a meltdown... or not. He ended up with the "or not and then some" option instead. This boy is a party animal! Brian and I are fearful for what our son's college days are going to be like. Anyway, he had a fantastic time, danced for hours, ate fondue and ice cream, got up on stage with a bunch of teenagers, and ran around the room in a multi-colored mohawk. It was phenomenal to see this boy enjoy himself and it looked like the guest of honor and her family were having a great time too! We are so incredibly proud of Ally and her accomplishments and the bat mitzvah and the party were wonderful experiences! Here are some pics from the day:

Still to come... fun in Brooklyn with the triplets! Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Wogloms Take New York... and New Jersey

This will only be a short post because we just got back to tornado-ridden Kansas today and we are exhausted from the massive amounts of fun we had on the east coast. It seems like every trip back home gets better and better and better and this trip was no exception. To give you a little taste of the fun we had, here are some pictures from the party of the century that was Ally's Bat Mitzvah...

And these pictures were just from the party! We will give you more details about our party animal and Ally's wonderful bat mitzvah as well as our visit with Christopher's cousins in the coming days...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Deanna Rose once more

As with all our visitors, we brought Nancy and Grandpa T to Deanna Rose on our one day of sun so far during their visit. We visited all the usual suspects including the calves, chickens and fish. Christopher especially enjoys giving bottles to the goats! He made many new goat friends this way today...

This year, they opened a General Store at the farm and there are lots of fun things inside, including one of those automatically-playing pianos (I'm sure there's a good name for it, I just don't know what it is!). Chris had a great time dancing to its music and pretending to play with Grandpa T:

We had a lovely time enjoying the nice weather at the farm today!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Some evidence of the fun Christopher has been having...

And then, when all was said and done, Christopher was absolutely exhausted!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Visit and The Race

Yesterday, Grandpa T and Nancy arrived from upstate New York and they brought the cold weather with them! We went from 93 degrees on Tuesday to about 45 this morning. Anyway, Christopher has been having a great time with our visitors. Here he is with Grandpa T playing trains.
I'm pretty sure Grandpa T will need a lot of naps while he hear because Christopher is requesting that he plays every five minutes! Chris even helped put away their bags when they got here.
This morning we all participated in the Vasculitis Foundation's annual 5K Walk/Run. When Chris found out he was doing a "race," he was very excited. But when we got there and it didn't start for 30 minutes, he was not happy. Apparently he believes the race should start when he gets there! Good thing Tristan was there though. The two boys ran around for a while to warm up. Here are Christopher's parents after the race:
The run was very nice. It started off downhill which can only mean one thing... the end would be uphill! Anyway, along the way, Christopher had to go potty in the woods so we made a pit stop. While he was peeing in the woods (on the plants) he said, "I'm watering the plants so they can grown." Hahaha! Anyway, we got back to the finish line to cool down. Here are Brian and Grandpa T on their way back too:
Our friends, the Eakins, as well as Randa (Maddie's mom) joined us also for the run and we really appreciate them coming out! It was a cold day but a fun and healthy one and some money was raised for the Vasculitis Foundation!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Last day of school and babies!

So yesterday was Christopher's last day of CDO for the year (sniffle, sniffle) and I was just thinking of how much he has grown since his first day last September. Here is that picture from his very first day:
And here he is on his last day of school. Look at how much older he looks in this picture!
We are so grateful to his teachers, Ms. Missy and Ms. Julie, for all their hard work this year and for providing lots of play and learning for our little man... After school, we went over to Nico's house with Olivia to play for a little bit. Nico and Olivia both have baby siblings and Christopher (who loves babies) got to hold Nico's sister, Corinne.
Corinne is about 3 months old now so she is sturdy enough for a two year-old to hold. Mommy got to hold Olivia's little brother, Elliot, and Chris came over to say hi to him. He's too small to for Buds to hold yet... Christopher had a great time playing with his friends and now Grandpa T and Nancy are here to visit so he will be having even more fun in the next few days!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A New Friend

Christopher made a new friend today! Avyn and her mommy, Bree, came over to play and have lunch with us. Bree has actually been my friend but the kiddos have never met. They had an awesome time playing together to the point where they were making each other laugh and just generally cracking each other up. Kasey joined in the fun for a while too so it was like 3 children running around together. Everyone had a nice time and the mommies actually got a chance to talk and visit. Yay! We hope to play together with Avyn again soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kidscape with Olivia

On this unseasonably hot Kansas day, we met Olivia and her baby brother and mommy at Kidscape. The kids had a great time playing and for a while, they had it all to themselves. It is truly amazing to see how big these two are getting! There is a pretend farm area at the museum and Livy and CJ made themselves comfy on Bessie the Cow:
There is also a pretend hospital and Christopher said, "I want to be a doctor, like Dr. Brooks." I wouldn't be surprised if he actually does become a doctor. Last week, he had to get some blood taken and all he did was flinch a little when the nurse stuck him. Then he watched his blood going into the collection tube and said, "Wow! Look at my blood. That is cool." No joke.

And what trip to anyplace would be complete without some train time?

But the highlight of our Kidscape visit today was the imaginary theater. They have a little backstage area where the kids can dress up in costumes, a lighting area where the kids control all the stage lighting, and the stage itself, complete with a red velvet curtain and scenery. Christopher has never been into this area before but today he was a star! Here he is playing the part of Spiderman. Perhaps Christopher's version will open to better reviews than the Broadway version!
This picture cracks me up because it looks like he is pretending to be He-Man calling the powers of Grayskull. ("I have the pooowwwwer!!!") Then Chris busted out his repertoire of songs, beginning with "Terrance the Tractor" from his Thomas CD and ending with "Let There Be Peace on Earth." Here is Spidey on stage for his solos...
A great time was had by all!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ms. Kay

As we were driving home last night from our Mother's Day dinner, Christopher made the following declaration from the back seat, out of the blue:

"Miss Kay is the best grown up ever!"

Our apologies to anyone else reading this who thought they were the best grown up ever. We are continually humbled by our two year-old boy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maxin' and Relaxin'

We already know that my boys certainly know how to relax. Last night, we went to Ingredient for dinner and Chris ran around outside when he was done eating. After so much running, he needed to chill in the little outdoor chair which he is getting a little big for.
And today, the boys are going to get to relax together while Mommy goes out to have some time to herself. Here they are on the couch practicing their relaxation skills:
And here is my little man and his mommy. Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there!

Friday, May 6, 2011


The shirt says it all...

P.S.-Doesn't he look like he's five in this picture?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sick Day

Chris has been sick on and off since Easter weekend, hence the lack of blog posts. Not much to write about when the little man feels yucky...

On Saturday, however, Chris was feeling pretty good and we thought he was over whatever he had so we went to his friend Luca's birthday party. Luca is a little boy in his class and the two of them adore each other. Maybe it's because they are the only two kids in the class who don't have blonde hair! Anyway, on top of the awesomeness of it being Luca's birthday, it was also a Clifford-themed party who both Chris and Luca adore. Here he is hugging Clifford followed by one of the party games--searching for doggie bones in the ball pit!
Here are the boys with their mothers. We later found out that both Lindsey and I had the same doula (Sarah) at the births of our sons, only 3 months apart. No wonder the boys have bonded!

Just because Buds has been a little under the weather, it doesn't mean that he has lost his sense of humor. Upon hearing that yesterday was Ally's 13th birthday, and that we are going home for her Bat Mitzvah in a couple weeks, Chris became very excited. Here is how the conversation went down:

Me: Chris, let's call Ally and wish her a happy birthday. You know, we are going back to New Jersey for her Bat Mitzvah very soon.
CJ: Mommy, I want to have some of Ally's Bat Mitzvah. Mmmm, it will be goooood!

Apparently he thinks a bat mitzvah is something edible. Good thing there will be lots of food at the bat mitzvah for the guests!