Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Table for two

For Christopher's second birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Eric gave him a table and chair set. It is just perfect for him to eat his snack at and color in his new coloring books. Right now it is in a great location--right next to his kitchen--and he often will just sit himself down and start coloring. I may need to reconsider the proximity of the crayons to the couch, however, in the near future. We will see... Anyway, now that CJ is two, I decided to make some changes to his room (formerly the "nursery"--I think he's too old for us to call it that). A few months ago, our room darkening shade fell down and (given our lack of handy skills) has remained down ever since. In place of that, we used one of Brian's old blankets and hung it over the window in college student-like fashion to keep the light out. Mommy finally got around to purchasing real curtains yesterday!
I also felt a little crafty yesterday and decorated two pinboards with fabric and ribbon to hang up family pictures. Chris loves looking at his cousins and especially his animals (Otis, Nadia, and Kasey all made the board). On Wednesday I'm going to pick up a small red lounge chair for him to sit on while he reads that will make the room complete!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love the Thomasplace mat.