Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here we are!

Okay, I know I haven't been updating the blog as much as usual. The life of a two year-old and his mom can be busy! So many trains to play, so little time...

Anyway, Kindermusik has started again. Yay!!! We missed our first official class but visited a class on a different day to make it up. Christopher got to see his friends Lucy and Aidan and he really enjoyed the new music (called "Milk and Cookies"... any wonder why he likes it?). He has a new teacher this semester, named Miss Megan. One cute thing from class--a little boy was having a meltdown on the floor (ah, thank goodness it's not just us!) and CJ went over and patted the little guy on his head as if to say, "It's okay, man. It's not that bad." I was so proud of his empathy!

Despite the fact that school has started here, our neighborhood summer playgroups are still going on. This morning, we met some of our friends over at Ernie Miller Nature Center to go for a nature hike. The weather was perfect for this today, nice and luke warm with lots of sunshine. We went on some off-road trails today that we had never been on before. Chris found two green leaves to hold, one for each hand, and he was off! I had to hold his arm to keep him from running too far ahead. The kid is fast! We hiked up a big mountain (Kansas style) and down again until we came to a stream. We hopped across the big rocks in the stream and then the kiddos proceeded to throw rocks into the stream. Chris is still working on his throwing arm so he had to stand close to the water to reach. And actually, he decided it would be a good idea to stand in the water, just long enough to get his shoes soaked and muddy. Nice! We enjoyed our walk and Chris got a yummy fruit roll-up from Missie, which he savored since he certainly doesn't get them around here, poor deprived kid.

Last week, Olivia came over to play and brought a work bench for Chris to borrow. Here he is playing with some good old power tools... just like his parents... hahaha!!! Oh wait, if it's not one computer, it's the other. Pictures will have to wait. We're working on it!

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