Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of school!

I am entering this post as I feed myself (and only myself) lunch. Christopher is off at his first day of Children's Day Out which they should really rename Mommy's Day Out as I have already accomplished more things by 12 noon than I usually do. We have been preparing our little man for his big day for a couple weeks now, but we weren't sure how he would react when I dropped him off. He met his teachers last week and saw his classroom which, as you might imagine, has trains for him to play with. So as we waited for the teachers to open the classroom door, Chris was saying (repeatedly) "Play choo-choos! Play choo-choos!" We entered the first room (which is where they take a nap) and dropped off his backpack and lunch box (sniffle, sniffle). Then we made up his bed and left his Thomas pillow and little Piggy for when he takes his nap. At that point, Chris noticed Ms. Michele and gave her a nice smile and wave. After washing his hands at the "magic sink," Chris barely stuck around for a hug and kiss from Mommy and then took off in search of the trains. There were no tears on his part (that I know of!) and no real tears on my part (although I came close). I am so proud of my big boy and we'll see how his day went in a couple hours! I'm going to go tend to my other child now (Kasey) and get her a bath and a pedicure. Here is one more picture of our big boy with his Thomas backpack...

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