Sunday, September 26, 2010


The more and more Christopher talks, the bigger a boy he seems to me. He has been having a blast at school and really seems to like his teachers. Here he is holding an apple he made there the other day.
Other than school, we've just been going about our normal life with a two year-old. One of Christopher's favorite things to do right now is to play with playdough. We even went against one of my preschool teacher pet peeves and mixed the colors the other day! Here he is hard at work making a purple/green playdough cow.
By far the most fun thing Chris is up to these days is talking! He is jabbering up a storm, telling us all how it is. I have mentioned in the past how he likes to say "yes" to everything, even when he doesn't mean it. Well, now he has added "okay" to that so his answer to everything is either "yes, okay" or "no, okay." He's even singing some songs which is so cute to hear. For example, he was singing one of Daddy's favorites last night, "Hot Cross Buns." His rendition goes like this: "Hot cross buns/ Hot cross buns/ One penny/ Two penny/ Hot cross buns." Buds has had the sniffles this weekend and a yucky cough but hopefully he will be back to his usual self this week!

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