When we left the stadium, there was a company in the parking lot giving out free mini soccer balls so they threw one to us. Christopher could not have been happier! When we got home, he ran around the living room/kitchen kicking the ball everywhere he went.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Christopher went to his first professional sporting event on Sunday. We saw the Kansas City Wizards take on Manchester United at Arrowhead Stadium (where the Chiefs play). Apparently Arrowhead Stadium was recently revamped, complete with Yankee Stadium parking prices ($25, seriously? did we forget what city we are in?). Anyway, the game was a bit hot to start but very fun and our seats were close too. When the game got a little slow, Chris and his friend Olivia were busy trading their toys. Little buds also enjoyed a hot pretzel, which you can see still coming out of his mouth in the picture below...

When we left the stadium, there was a company in the parking lot giving out free mini soccer balls so they threw one to us. Christopher could not have been happier! When we got home, he ran around the living room/kitchen kicking the ball everywhere he went.
When we left the stadium, there was a company in the parking lot giving out free mini soccer balls so they threw one to us. Christopher could not have been happier! When we got home, he ran around the living room/kitchen kicking the ball everywhere he went.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Born to run
Just a quick story... We went to the gym on Friday--Grammy got a massage, Mommy went running on the track due to the 99 degree weather outside, and CJ went to play with the other kids in the playroom. When I picked him up, we still had a few minutes to wait for Grammy so we went over to the track, which no one else was on at that moment. Without any prompting, our little runner took off on track and didn't look back! He looked like a total natural!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Train ride!
We went to Toys R Us today to use a gift card that Christopher received for his birthday (one guess as to what he picked... I'll give you a hint: it goes "choo choo.") Anyway, as we were about to leave, there was a monsoon and we had to delay our departure. Fortunately, there was one of those mechanical trains that you feed a quarter to and it takes your kid for a ride. Chris thoroughly enjoyed himself!
Weekend pics
Here are the boys relaxing this evening on the couch... well, CJ relaxed for about 5 seconds--enough time for me to get this shot.
You also might notice that Christopher is wearing a shirt that says something about New Jersey. This was a birthday present from the D-L ladies (thank you!!!) and it says "Everything is better in New Jersey." At dinner tonight, I asked Chris, "Is everything better in New Jersey?" Of course his answer was "Yes!"

Something that Chris has been doing to pass the time recently, is walking on his hands and feet, but with his head on the floor. He is developing quite a talent, I must say!
Whenever Grammy is visiting, we are finally able to get multiple family shots so here is one of them:
And last night, Mommy and Daddy celebrated their fifth anniversary! We got decked out and went out on the town... at least until the sun went down. We actually had a lovely dinner at La Bodega in our old neighborhood followed by drinks at the Cashew overlooking downtown. Chris and Grammy spent lots of time playing while we went out. Notice how Kasey was making sure the coast is clear before we made our escape!
Something that Chris has been doing to pass the time recently, is walking on his hands and feet, but with his head on the floor. He is developing quite a talent, I must say!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Shout out
Some of you may know that the idea for the name of this blog came from my best friend from high school, Chrissie. (And of course, Christopher's Daddy's nickname was, at times, "Wogs.") Anyway, Christopher would like to inform the world that Chrissie has now provided him with a future playmate in the form of Bennett Chen Da Ching Pariso, born yesterday morning in Chicago. I believe he is destined to be king of something with that name! And no, Chrissie was not aware that CJ's cousin is named Bennett too. Bennett W. is just that cool!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
2 Year Check Up
It seems like just yesterday that we brought Christopher in for his first check-up after bringing him home from the hospital. We used to worry about so many little things, as all new parents do. At the 2 year appointment, however, we feel like old pros. Here are CJ's vitals from our meeting with Dr. Brooks today:
Height: 35 inches (75%)
Weight: 31 pounds (85% and hasn't changed since May)
Head circumference: 20 inches (92%)
Of course, Daddy is extremely proud (as always) of Christopher's head circumference as it shows his "manly size" brain. But we are continually amazed by our little man and how much he grows in every way!
Funny thing that Christopher is doing these days: Because of the absurd heat we've been having (and our lack of good shade trees... oh and Mommy's lack of gardening ability) the hanging plants that Chris usually helps me water have been suffering and wilting. When we took them down to water them yesterday, I told Chris that we have to talk to the plants because that will help them grow. Now, whenever we pass a plant in our yard, he talks to them saying "Yes, yes, okay, mmm hmm, bye." Then he feeds them grass for good measure. He never stops cracking us up!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Clifford the Big Red Dog
Chris was also very busy watering Clifford's plants and playing (and dancing to, of course) some steel drum music.
As he moved through the exhibit, Christopher decided to be very useful by donning a mailman's uniform and delivering letters to all of Clifford's friends. He also got a brief job cooking at the restaurant in Emily's town. He actually served a burger to another little mail carrier too!
There was a great little tail slide on the back of a very large Clifford that Chris had fun on, but he needed a little help from Grammy.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Partied out
Here is our little party animal last night after a long day of cake, trains, and the pool...
He just needed to sprawl out on the couch with Grammy and his paci to watch a little Thomas before calling it a night. And yes, he actually stayed in this position for a while. Mommy and Daddy, on the other hand, couldn't get enough partying and got dressed up to go to a wine party at Matt and Jaime's house! Yay!

Oh and by the way, happy 2nd birthday officially to the buds!!! We love you so much little man!!!
Oh and by the way, happy 2nd birthday officially to the buds!!! We love you so much little man!!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Party Time!
We had to take that second picture above on the right because we thought it was amazing how much Olivia and Lucy look alike. Then we also noticed that their Daddies look alike too (and happened to be wearing the same shirt). Too funny! Anyway, before the cake, Tristan was hard at work in CJ's room building him a tower of blocks while Matt was passed out from too much partying. You know how those second birthdays can be!
The cake portion of the party was not nearly as exciting as last year (I'll include video of that later), but we enjoyed it just the same. Of course, when we brought Chris to pick up the cake with us at 9:30, we didn't hear the end of it ("cake! cake! cake! eat eat!!!") until 12:30 when the good stuff was actually served. Unlike last year, Chris only got one piece of cake and he used a fork to eat it (for the most part)! Then he opened presents and got some wonderful things, mainly related to Thomas. He was very happy, especially with his new trains which he got right to work with.
We all had a lovely time today and everyone, including Kasey, was ready for a nap when it was over!
"On bed, on bed"
One of Christopher's common requests is to be placed on the bed to hide under the covers. Recently, Mommy has been reducing the amount of time that this happens but now that Grammy has arrived, anything goes! Here they are yesterday playing on the bed...

We are currently preparing for CJ's 2nd birthday party in a couple hours. Check back later for pictures!
We are currently preparing for CJ's 2nd birthday party in a couple hours. Check back later for pictures!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
"New Choo-Choos"
Speaking of little man turning two, when people ask him how old he is going to be, he tells them "two" and holds out one finger on each hand. Another thing he's been saying is "here you go" (sounds like "he go") when he hands me something to hold. It took me a while to figure out what he was saying and then I thought, "Where did he get that from?" Then I realized every time I give him something, I say "Here you go." Hello... obvious! Anyway, I can't believe my little boy is going to be two on Sunday. This birthday is almost bigger than the first one to me because he is officially out of the baby range now (i.e.-you can't say how many months he is anymore... he's just two). He is growing to be such a big boy and I'm so proud of everything he does! Most of all, he makes us laugh and has a great sense of humor, providing endless entertainment for all of us every day.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Fire station!
And the mom who hosted the playgroup today brought snacks for the kids after our tour was over. Yes, I let Chris have a chocolate chip cookie and, as you can see, all the chocolate melted on his hands and mouth. As Christopher would say, "aiyaiyai!"
Monday, July 12, 2010
Splash Cove and Kasey Moe Moe
Today, Christopher and I joined Olivia and her Mommy at a Shawnee town pool called "Splash Cove." It was sooooo fun and CJ was on the verge of tears when we had to leave. He tried his best to renegotiate this whole nap thing, but I wasn't going for it. Anyway, the pool was zero entry (which I now get why moms love zero entry pools!) and had all kinds of fun things to play with. There were water slides (Chris went down a little one) and lots of crazy water play things--ropes you pull where water falls on your head, big fountains, tunnel slides, you name it. I think Christopher's favorite part, though, was the mini wave pool. Think Action Park on a much smaller level. He was a natural in the waves and I can't wait to see him in action when he gets to a real beach. I'm thinking we will be giving this boy a surf board at an early age... oh wait, we live in Kansas... maybe not. :)
After a much needed nap (for both of us) we went to pick up Kasey from Pawz at Play, where she spent the day with her furry friends. Every time we pick up Kasey, Chris gets so excited to see her so I swore I was going to videotape his reaction. Tonight it took a little longer for them to get her so you will notice CJ becoming slightly impatient at one point. But once she emerged from the playroom, Chris was happy as a lark. Kasey still tops his list of favorite "people" in the world!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Farmer's Market
The Woglom family ventured over to the O.P. Farmer's Market today to pick out some scrumptious and healthy eats. It was jam-packed which is good (yay! people want to buy healthy food from local sources!) and bad (not so much fun maneuvering a stroller through hundreds of people). Anyway, after picking up some peaches and tomatoes, we watched the band that was playing. Although we didn't get video of it, Chris was dancing a little bit. He seemed more interested in scanning the crowd from the middle of the dance floor today. Here he is enjoying the band:
Friday, July 9, 2010
Pool, pool! Swim, swim!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
And after all his hard work outside, Christopher has to check out his "do" in the mirror to make sure it is curly enough for his liking...
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